Thoughts while at Church yesterday:

Jul 02, 2012 18:54

The only thing I don't understand is why you would make someone keep a baby from a rapist. The rape was not, is not the woman's fault. So why make her keep the child?

If someone doesn't want a child, don't make them.  If it's from rape the mother shouldn't have to keep the child.

I can't see myself keeping a child from rape.  Then again I might.  I don't know but no one except the would be mother should make the decision.

God might not like abortion but he knows that it is a woman's body not a man's.  We all make mistakes but God still loves us.  What makes you think God isn't blessing us? He blesses us all the time.  Maybe not in ways we notice at first but we are all still  blessed. It won't change a thing.


Why is everyone so obsessed with love? With finding someone to love? Isn't family or friends enough? Yes, a lot of us want love. Want someone to care for.  But do we need a person? Do we really need love of people differently from family, from friends?

I want love but I don't need it.  I have family, I have friends.  That is enough right now for me.


I love animals but if it came to protecting someone I don't know or a pet/another animal...I really don't know what I do.  I want to believe that I protect the people but I don't know.  Maybe I would protect the person, maybe I protect the animal. Who really knows.  Does anyone?

Humans are nice, are bad, are good, are evil.  So are animals.  We might not think so but animals can be like humans.

So tell me....would you protect humans? Your family? Or your pets? Animals?

Who would you protect? Why?


Religion is just Religion. We all believe in something. Just because someone is a Mormon, Muslim, Catholic, Atheist doesn't mean it is wrong. Doesn't mean a person is wrong.  We believe in something.  Whether God is real, God isn't, we believe.  Belief is what counts not Religion. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I have to belong to a Religion.  Even if I don't believe in God it shouldn't mean I'm an  Atheist.  They are just words, words that explain but just in the end.



opinion, church, thoughts, mine, religion

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