Writer's Block and M7 stuff

Mar 06, 2008 13:03

I've never been on a date so I can't answer what my worst date has been.  As for M7....  I have read alot (probably most) of Magnificent Seven/Sentinel crossovers.  I was wondering if there is more and where I can find them.  Also why the heck is most of the stories about VIn, Ezra, or Chris being the sentinel?  Why not the others? JD, Josiah, Nathan.  JD especially, I can understand (kindof) Josiah and Nathan.  Josiah and Nathan seem to work out as guides or together as Sentinel/Guide.  JD though is always a guide and usually Buck's.  I read this one story where Adam was a Sentinel before he died and JD unknowingly his guide.  It was with Ezra as Vin's guide and both were kids.  What I want to know is why JD is never a Sentinel and why he always seems to not be anyone's guide except Buck's (if it's a story about all seven as guides/sentinels).  Is it cuz he doesn't seem to fit a protector mode like the others?  And why is it when it's between him and one or two others being someone's guide it's usually the others?  Why not JD?  The one story I read I think had Vin as a Sentinel and JD and/or Ezra(?) as a potentional guide and when you think it's JD it's Ezra!

I have nothing against the others, I love them all but god even Ezra seems more liked than JD.  Why?   I know there's a small group out there called Dunne'sDarlin's or something like that but that's it.  Where's all his love?  Well, why is JD the one that isn't really liked and the other's more so.  Even Nathan and Josiah seem more loved than him. Okay he is kindof annoying but he does grow up through the two seasons people!  And Nathan might be an ass but you still love him.

That brings me to the slash.  Don't go any farther if you don't like.  THIS is your last and only warning.  No like, no read.

When slashing Josiah and Nathan seem to hetrosexual to be slashed.  I have seen some but not alot and that's mostly with Ezra or JD(Josiah and JD aren't bad together.  Would have never thought about it but not bad.  Niether is Ezra or Nathan together(which needs more!)  Those two I can see better than JD/Josiah though.)  Ezra is with Buck or Vin alot.  I have seen alot of Chris/Ezra or Chris/Ezra/Vin.  Chris/Buck and Chris/Vin are also seen alot. 
One thing that is missing is JD slash.  Unlike Nathan and Rain, Casey and JD while good together don't fit it for me.  Same with Chris and Mary(YUCK!  No offense but that was so obvious and seemed so stupid in the show.)  But where is JD's slash.  Most of it is with Buck and when I say most I mean there seems to be barely any around.  Vin or maybe Ezra is another JD is slashed with but not alot of Chris.  I mean he is kindof young for Chris and for Buck, definetly Josiah, no matter that it is a good read.  Still though something about Chris and JD.  It's seems wrong but I like it.  They aren't related, unless Chris slept with JD's mom but that seems very unlikely.   So why barely any slash on them?  Hell why barely any slash on JD himself?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like JD.  Maybe more, maybe less than the other six but I would like to see more writing on him.  And without Casey if possible as a love interest!  I can and do read gen on this series but I don't seem to care for Casey as a girlfriend.  Maybe a friend but that's it.  Heck, I'll read her or Elle more than I will Mary.  Give me Rain or Charolette, Inez, and Maude also.  I'll take them all over Mary.  She's to...weird for Chris.  Seems worse in some ways than Elle.  Least Elle was insane, Mary isn't and she has tried alot to get Chris's attention.  Only attention she has gotten from him is friendship and the fact that he likes Billy.  Oh Yeah, keep her away from the others.  Please!

I'm done for  now.  Long rant I know but not to long.  I hope.

opinion, m7, magnificent seven

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