I love you all but humans are more important to save than animals.

Jun 11, 2011 20:45

I save a humans life first and then an animals. You want to know why? Because no matter how much humanity pisses me off, no matter how much I want to strangle people or scream my head off at them, I STILL HAVE HOPE and LOVE!

You all don’t have hope in humanity. Maybe you do but why the fuck would you save an animal first? Grab them if you can but save a family member, a friend, anyone else.

I hate when animals are left behind the same as any person. I just don’t know why you all think humanity is not important. Is it because you gave up? It seems that way to me. Maybe there is another reason but just giving up won’t help.

Hope. Hope that humanity, through change, can and will get better. To do that though we need to save humans.

I have a question to you all who say that you save an animal’s life before a humans. Does that include family? Children? The way you all act sometimes makes me think that is what you mean.

THIS is the exact reason why I hate humanity, society sometimes. We act like animals are more important but they aren’t. They are equal if anything. God, I pray the ones who say you save an animal first will realize how much that can backfire.

Maybe I’m reading into this wrong but how can I be? Why did humanity give up on one another but not on animals? How does that work?

Sure, there is problems in the world but acting like we are beneath animals is so wrong. Christ above this is just making me so angry.

We are greedy, we are selfish, we are angry, we are annoyed, we don’t care. HUMANITY DOES CARE, HUMANITY IS NOT ALL SELFISH, WE ARE NOT ALL GREEDY. Yeah, some children charities are idiotic because they just want your money. Yeah, people act like they don’t care about others but when it comes down to it, HUMANITY DOES CARE.

Look at what we have done for Japan and Joplin. For Egypt, the world. Tell me we as humans don’t care. Tell me it was done for greed. Maybe some of it but when it comes down to it, humanity wins over greed every time.

Animals might have been here longer and will be here longer than humans but I rather save humans. I rather show that I care about everyone than show that I don’t care. That I don’t have HOPE in humanity.


I also have love, love in the world, love in myself, love in humanity. HOPE, LOVE. Two of the most important words ever.


Animals are important but HUMANITY IS MORE IMPORTANT! Ugh, people who think that animals deserve to be saved before humans make me sick. They gave up on humanity. No one should give up. HOPE, that is what is needed. HOPE and LOVE.

Before you all bitch at me about not caring for animals, I DO! I hate seeing animals being hurt, being abandoned but I rather save a human than an animal. I rather show that I care about someone who might have died than be labeled a coward, someone who goes to jail because I LET SOMEONE I COULD HAVE SAVED, DIE!
If I could I would put myself in front of a kid, if it meant they lived. Even if it was a child I never met, I would die for them. They are important, animals are important also but a child is someone I know I want to live, to experience life to the fullest.

animals, opinion, rant, hope, love

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