When is enough, enough for people?

Mar 07, 2011 14:07


The confederate flag is part of our heritage.  All our heritages.  I'm sorry but if we are not allowed to use that flag to represent ourselves, why are we allowed to use other things from the south.

I'm a Yankee if you want to get down to it.  I love the south, but I am a Yankee who does not care if someone has a confederate flag or not.

As a person said in the comments "Now who is Racist?" Maybe I don't like the way they came across with that comment (read the full thing) but I agree, we get called Racist for even saying nigger, they call us worse and no one bitches?

I have black friends and I adore them.  Why do the NCAAP get away with this crap but we whites and Latinos and others don't?

If you really want to get down to it, the confederate flag represents rights just like the United States flag does.  It represents not slavery or anything really to do with blacks (that I know of) but what people fought and died for, same as our actual country flag.

It is pride in the south, pride in getting through hard times, pride in the southern states as a whole, that is all.

This shows me exactly why the south still dislikes us northerns a lot of times.

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