Justin Bieber

Feb 16, 2011 20:37

So this is what I have to say about this: http://iamateenagefeminist.tumblr.com/post/3332616025/unpopular-opinion-justin-bieber

Look, I don't like him.  But give him credit.  As you said he should know but he doesn't. Not everyone does.  I'm sorry you think he is an idiot but he was having trouble saying what he wanted to.  What do you want him to say? To agree with you? Either way, we still be debating about the comment. Justin was having trouble saying something good and nice to say about something he probably never wanted to be asked.

I don't like him but shut up about him knowing about the world.  Ever think he is ignorant because of innocence not because he's an ass? Sixteen years old might know about abortion and etc where you live and grew up but how I grew up, I didn't.  Yeah, a lot more people know about the world but not everyone does.

Give him credit for actually answering the question.  He could have said no comment or refused.  Instead he answered. I for one am glad he didn't pass it up and seems to be open for more information to help him understand.

Oh by the way, just cuz he's male and most likely won't have to deal with rape, doesn't mean he never will.

Age isn't an excuse for ignorance and gender isn't an excuse to say a male will never likely have to deal with rape.  Ever think about the fact that the men in our lives deal just as much as we women do? That they are also raped and abused? People say it isn't as much, maybe not but they do deal with everything we women do, just in different ways.

Get off your high horse and think like a human, not a feminist.

They are acting like a feminist and bitching about Justin which is wrong.  I don't like him but no one should be treated this way, no one.  God, at least he has the FUCKING GUTS TO ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!!! Not all men would, think on that.

You really think all men would really answer the question on rape and abortion? Sorry to disappoint you but nope, not all would.  Just the ones who are really up in arms about it.
Another post:


He made one, a big one.  Fuck off.  Yes, he's to blame but hey maybe he'll learn.  I'm for one glad he didn't ask to not answer.

I don't like him but shut up about him having to know about abortion and pro-choice, not everyone has to know at sixteen/seventeen.  Not everyone needs to know what the world is like.  People can still be innocent in the world. 

rape, opinion, rant, men, justin bieber, women, assault

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