I can't read without crying

Feb 03, 2011 00:26

I'm trying to read 'Obloquy' by Raiju, thecatenator on tokio hotel fiction and I can't. I keep crying and I'm only on the fourth chapter. Then when I finally finish I have the sequel: 'What Patience Earns' by Raiju to read also. So many trailers I will link to later. God, I know these fics are going to be awesome, heartbreaking, and I will love them of I'm crying and having trouble reading already. Usually I can finish a fic in about a day or two depending how good and long. This is going on 3. Wow, so yeah I'll out up the trailers later.

Bedtime now, nite all.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

videos, reading, recommendations, trailers, via ljapp, fanfiction

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