Research Projects

Dec 10, 2010 17:56

My Research Projects for the past 3 weeks for Microeconomics:

Week 1

Cloud computing

In the future, a new report suggests that cloud computing will become as popular if not more so than e-commerce. Businesses are lining up to grab a part of it. It is becoming an evolution in business, according to an IT analyst at Gartner. Demands of the product are high that it has brought up supply. The providers of cloud computing have looked at the supply positive that has been a huge part of cloud computing. Because of the openness of the system, businesses can ask for help where they could not have before. Benefits for cloud computing can be shifting from capacity to capability on demand, reducing cost of the computing resources, and also shifting from just using technology use to value consumption. The clouds are especially useful for businesses that are just starting up. The businesses can use cloud computing to see and use what is needed. An example is purchasing what capacity is needed and then getting more as the business grows and need more space for Information Technology. The IT space can be useful or not useful depending on how much is bought the business and then used. To much space and people are wondering what to use the clouds for. The demand is huge though because cloud computing helps out all businesses not just some. The supply is becoming more and more to meet the demand for all the computing that is being done. Businesses are being more demanding on IT because of cloud computing and the supply is having to meet the demand.
WC 262

Week 2

Financing for condominiums and office towers have slowed down enough that apartment complexes can be built. In October there was thousands of rental units across Boston, that needed financing. Because of the economy, businesses aren’t asking or looking for new places to set up their companies. They are keeping their old buildings which is leaving tons of rental units open. Units that can be made into apartments for people to move into. With the housing industry still down and trying to climb back up, apartments are the way to go for a lot of people. Apartments are cheaper and easier to maintain than houses. Not to mention that with businesses not wanting to buy or rent more space, it means more room for apartments. The demand though is making the supply dwindle fast and the prices on rent is going up. The supply while there is not all ready. People are wanting the apartments and are willing to pay more to get them. While some say the rent is high enough, others point out that the higher the rent the more the apartments are looked after. With the demand on apartments the banking industry is getting back on track because of the demand.

The graph that best fits this article is The Cost of Production in Supply, Graph D. The demand for apartments has gone up as had the supply. The rent went up because the supply while there is not all ready yet and people are willing to pay more to get the apartments done faster so they can move in. The money is spent on the apartments that are being redone and then put forward for the other apartments. The supply is high and so is the demand but while the supply is high, there isn’t a lot ready so the prices go up.

WC 307

Week 3

Christmas is a time for giving. Whether it’s money, toys, clothes, or more to friends, family, and charity, it’s a time for giving. One thing that is given a lot around this time is a new phone. A phone cost over $199 or more, depending on how many gigabits and what else is wanted on a phone. The iPhone 4 is about $187.51 but retails for $199. This is a 16 gig phone by the way. The reason it’s so much is the fact that the parts is what makes it that expensive. But it isn’t just the iPhone that is sold that way, all phones are. Phones are sold for about the same they were made for. Which brings up the subject, where does the profit come from? The companies like AT&T have to pay other companies and businesses for their parts in the phone so where does the profit come from?

The profit comes from the extras that are encouraged to be bought with the new phone. The parts that are needed to keep the phones up and working correctly, from paying money to get an update which is not needed but people want anyways.

Christmas is a time for giving. Giving what we don’t need or really want but we still do give. Phones are not needed but during Christmas are given. Old phones are given to the Military and other places to be used by other people for good. Phones aren’t needed but are a great gift, a gift that can be used again and again by the first owners and then by others.
WC 269

real life, school, essay

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