
Oct 12, 2010 18:02

I want to show my support not only for AIDS but also for the band. I just really found out about this band in July/August but they have really impacted my life. Seeing/reading what they go through and hearing the lyrics of "Don't Jump" and "Forgotten Children" ("Spring nicht" and "Vergessene Kinde") made me realize that this band wasn't even full adults yet but they knew what the world was like. I picked these two songs because they are favorites but all their songs have meanings that touch me. They knew then and now how the world works and work to make a difference.

Where some bands/artists show their support by money and then showing up when needed, Tokio Hotel shows support by actually volunteering. By not backing down when others would and standing up for what they believe in. AIDS is still around and still a problem. We, humans, have grown used to the problem that it doesn’t seem to bother us anymore. It should, it does, and for me this is a way to show that I know what is out there, I understand what life is like, I won’t back down, I will stand up for what I believe in. AIDS need to not be taken lightly but with a harsh look, a look that doesn’t seem to treat it like something that can be hidden. It needs to come into the world again and to me, the t-shirts are one of the ways.

To win something but also to explain why I support DAA and TH.  Hope it makes sense. 

designers against aids, tokio hotel

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