Spirit Day

Oct 04, 2010 11:06

Spirit Day
October 20, 2010 Wearing purple to honor the gay suicides: NO!!!!!

Okay,  I don't want to offend anyone but I am saying this.

While I respect people wanting to pay their respects and wanting to show their support STOP!   It's to much. Most of the people doing it will actually do it for the people who lost their lives but some won't. This is me saying it's going to far.  Have we ever done something like this before?  No!  Only now we are because someone is messing with what we, as humans, believe in, our cause.  I'm  saying it's to far.  Do it if you want.  I won't because to me this isn't going to help remember them. We don't even know these kids and we want to honor the memories?  Leave that to the parents, don't honor the kids none of us have ever met.

By the way, don't tell me it's honoring the cause, the gay cause.  It isn't, it's going to far.  It just is being something that might/probably will back out on most of us.

You say it's in honor of the six boys who committed suicide because they are gay. Where is the honor for everyone else?  The heterosexuals, the ones who die each year from suicide. I hate seeing this on technology and do you want to know why?  Because while some of us do care about others, it's only targeting the gays, the trans, the bis, the LGBT world. Not the whole world at large. Think on that before you do this.

Yes, they died. Yes, I feel for the families. I'm not doing this though. It only honors part of the problem if that. Not the problem as a whole.  I didn't like seeing this on my other accounts, all weekend, don't like it now. Not when most are doing it because everyone else is. I'm guilty of that but not this time.  Its not honoring everyone who dies of suicide. Just the homosexuals. Which is wrong. You honor one person, honor them all.

Why do people honor some others and not all?  What about the ones who aren't gay and committed suicide?  Because it got to much?  They count also don't they?

I understand why people want to stop homophobic, I do also. Having a day to honor them isn't going to help. We honor one set, honor them all.   Life isn't fair but the only reason why we are even speaking about suicide so much is because it was gays. People think!   Humans do it all the time or try to.  Most of us,myself included, pay attention but not like this. So STOP the charade, you only care because it hit your cause, admit it.

If I hit a nerve so what?  Think people!  Think!  Not about the LGBT community but every human as a whole.  Has anyone except for me and a few others, people who thought about suicide or have done it, really thought about the rest of the world?  Have you?

nerves, homosexuality, bisexuals, bisexual, hetrosexuality, rl, lgbt, suicide, real life, spirit day, transexuals

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