Poems, 3

Sep 29, 2010 21:19

‘My Everything’

(inspired by Life house’s “Everything”)

Everything I need

Is in you

Everything I love

Is with you

Everything I want

Is you


Is you

I went through life

Without knowing what I was missing until you

You became Everything to me

In just a few short years

I don’t know what I’d do

If my Everything left

Because that’s what you are

My Everything

Every move

Every breath

Every word

Every smile

Every laugh


Is yours

You are my life

My soul

My shield

My Everything

‘A Heart’

A heart sings

It weeps, it prays

It lives, it’s heard

A heart beats

For a person everyday

It beats for them

Their loved ones

For friends, everyone they meet

It beats, until…

It stops

Whether suddenly or slowly

A heart stops

Time to go

To disappear

Let another heart

Take up the battle

‘Smile, Never’

Smile through tears

Through laughter

Through sadness

Through happiness

Smile as you watch them marry

Cry and smile as you remember their life

Never be sad

Never let anyone put you down

Never show others what you don’t want to be shown

Always know you are here for a reason

Never let anyone tell you any different

Smile, never stop

poems, 'a heart', never', 'smile, 'my everything

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