May 23, 2008 16:41
That's a euphemism that seems oddly fitting, though he's hardly Elvis. I'm so sorry to see him go. I was very sad to read of his passing this morning; I just bought his latest book the day before yesterday.
I recall him quite clearly, filking at Boskone back in the 1970s. There would be a group sing in the early evening, before midnight, anyway, after which most of the fans would filter away. Then Bob and a few other die-hards would gather to talk and sing most or all night, adjourning like-as-not for breakfast between 6 and 7 the next day. He was an oddly charismatic character.
I would have to say that he sort of helped recruit me into the filk-running business, in which I was quite active for more than twenty years. I can't say that Bob was a friend, exactly, but I enjoyed him and his work, and I'm pretty sure he remembered who I am when he saw me at a couple of dozen various cons over the years.
(My other major influence from that time was the late Lisa Raskind. Of course, I've had many influences, plus and minus, but of the three I held in this particular esteem, filkwise, only one is left.)
There has been a lot to remind me of mortality of late, what with our losing Lois Mangan almost two weeks ago, and dealing with my uncle's estate in February, among others. Both Bob and Lois were not that much older than I, and now we're gaining on them.