Dear Media,
at no point whatsoever, said he was calling an election. Every single time he was asked, the response was "We are focusing on the business of governing" or similar. All this snap election business was your invention. Don't get angry with Brown just because you guessed wrong, and stop calling it "the election that wasn't". You look incredibly foolish.
Imagine the following headlines over a series of weeks:
"Rumours Abound That J Is To Buy A New Scarf"
"Insider Says A New Scarf Will Be Bought"
"Polls Indicate Scarf Weather Approaches, J To Heed Call?"
"Housemates Challenge J To Pick Striped Scarf"
"Sign Of Upcoming Scarf Purchase: J Seen Near Shop"
Do you see how eventually people may be led to believe I'm actually thinking about getting a scarf?
Gee, I know there's nothing else happening in the world [/sarc] and you're so bored, but can we stop inventing news? Spend less time talking about what might happen and more time on what has happened. Remember that your speculation is just that - speculation. Not fact. It should prevent future waves of irritation similar to the one I'm currently feeling.
No Love,