Mar 10, 2006 15:58
so its 4pm on friday afternoon, and i actually feel like i did alot at work today. come to think of it, i did. so i feel pretty good. on top of that, my lunch was good, dinner last night was filling and excellent (something rare to find since i'm a vegetarian for lent), and i rode my bicycle into work today. always nice.
i really like working a full feels good to actually do stuff and feel like i'm making an impact.
so many things are falling in place. as you know, my last day in the air force will be august 4th. big smiles. big happiness. secondly, as of last night, i have my plans for living in the summer in place. i'll be crashing with my uncle and aunt in S.A. from mid-may till i leave here. thirdly, i turned in my HD-cable more HD service. less money and no time to watch it anyhow. time to relax and get back to basics. i'm gonna start selling my TV, stereo, and getting rid of my furniture in april. by the time i go to my aunt's and uncle's, i should be down to bare minimums (i may sell more stuff when i get there, but at least the big stuff'll be out of the way).
big news: i think i've decided on a name for my next CD! "unrest" haha. without the quotes. it might not stick, but i like it. this time in s.a. has definitely been an unrestful time in my life, in good ways and bad ways. unrest is much better than "transitional" because it also speaks to the augustine quote "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you" as well as the beautiful Dante quote "E'n la tua voluntade e' nostra pace" (and His will is our peace). unrest. bad unrest is the worst state of mind, not knowing what will happen, wanting to leave as soon as possible, hating where you are at the moment. good unrest implies a sense of peace with your state in life, but an anticipatory nature for what will happen next. in the general scheme in life, we should always be at a certain state of unrest, always wanting to see God, in the end, face to face. by nature, we are unrestful.
:) a good deep title, and one that speaks alot to where i've been on my journey since my last CD.
let me know what you think