May 19, 2008 19:42

I see that this hasn't been posted up yet, but for those who haven't seen this yet here it is:
P.S. It's really cute of him!

Dear all,

Prior to leaving USC, Jun Matsumoto requested that we send out a message from him to all of you. I recently received his e-mail and wanted to deliver the message.


Alex Ago
Special Events Coordinator
School of ( Read more... )


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*o* lovefornana November 17 2009, 01:37:50 UTC
long time no see/talk!!
ahahaha, i forgot how awesomely you marveled at matsujun.
oooh, i went to japan recently and saw this show that arashi had. do you know of it? it was like a game show and it was pretty funny :D
how have you been? we need to catch up on life stories of each other.
I recently re-started my journal again and found you under my friend's list~!


Re: *o* jsinufan November 17 2009, 06:46:27 UTC
Oh hi!!
It really has been a while, but i've been good!
And you?

Yeah, I still am crazy about arashi! haha!!
So yeah, i probably know what show you are talking about, it might have been VS arashi...or Himitsu no arashi...or arashi no shukudai-kun, hahaha, they have quite a few shows!
But that is so cool that you were in japan!
I'm actually in the process of going there for next school year!
I'm glad you found me here, lol, it has been a long time and much catching up is due!


Re: *0* lovefornana November 18 2009, 09:19:56 UTC
I've been good too :D
this quarter has been a bit stressfull but i'm okay. How are you classes? are you still taking japanese?

Awesome xD
it's always nice to have a fan out there. My aunt and cousin are like crazy fans as well. Turns out my dad met matsujun b/c of some 3D video they were going to take for arashi and he saved my aunt his waterbottle that he drank out of and the 3D glasses that he wore for the preview. Hahaha, according to my mom, my aunt was overjoyed.
oh wow, they really do have a lot of shows. I'm not sure which one i watched... it was a game show though :O they were playing lots of interesting games :P
WOW. abroad??? I was thinking of going abroad somewhere too... but i haven't really been on the move on it. :/ Been really busy this quarter D;
What part of japan are you planning to go?


Re: *0* jsinufan November 19 2009, 00:24:28 UTC
My classes are ok, but i just want them to be over because im excited for new classes! and yeah, im still taking japanese. it's been fun and very difficult at times!

WOW!! how lucky!!!! I would have been soooo happy too!

What kind of classes are you taking?

So far I looked into going to this school called kwansei gakuin university but it has 3 campuses one in nishinomiya, sanda, and umeda. i'm not completely sure which one im going to, but it seems in going to go to the one in nishinomiya.


Re: *0* lovefornana November 23 2009, 22:23:54 UTC
ooo~, sounds like you're having fun :D
I'm glad you're continuing japanese. Can you speak a bit now?

hahaha, i'm sure you would have xD

i'm taking classes for my major, but not really on my major it feels like :/
i have to take a pre-req next quarter so the real stuff doesn't come till after it ;_;
i'm also taking italian for GE but also because i really want to learn/go there. I'm still not sure if i will though...

that's really awesome. you inspired me to go to an abroad session :P haha, hopefully we could go around the same time and share stories when we come back :D
but then again.. i might be too late >.<;;;
i still need to do ALOT of research but so little time!
my finals are like right around the corner D:


Re: *0* jsinufan November 24 2009, 06:17:46 UTC
I can speak very, very limited japanese, like simple sentences, lol.

Yeah me too, for the most part all of the classes i have taken so far all are for my general ed. and the only ones i have for my major are the language classes. that's why i want and have to study abroad so i can get my major classes over there.

Im glad you are looking into studying abroad too! i mean if you really want to do it, it's possible, depending on the program you choose too. where would you want to go? i understand too that there is little time, all my big projects are starting to be due soon and finals are the 3rd week of dec. for me.


Re: *0* lovefornana December 2 2009, 18:30:27 UTC
oh what was your major again?
you're lucky that you can study abroad for your major :O
it's a bit difficult for me, being a visual arts major.

goodluck on your finals!! mine are next week D;


Re: *0* jsinufan December 2 2009, 21:25:01 UTC
oh, my majors are asian studies (japanese) and spanish.
it's mandatory that we study at least a semester in japan for that major, so either way i have to go, not that i mind though, lol.
yeah it does seem a bit hard for you, but it's a great opportunity during college.
maybe you can get some of your core classes done while abroad.

oh thanks, and good luck on yours.
how many do you have?
mine are in 2 weeks, so right now i am preparing slowly!


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