Apr 05, 2005 11:24
quick entry before i head off to work...
i dont like working..
especially on days like today.
where i start at 12...like who knows what time ill get off
i hate getting off at 5
its like the whole day has been wasted when i finally get home.
but then again i could stay up a little later and sleep in.
thats the only plus side to it.
i hope it stays sunny..i think its sunny out
i cant see out any windows from where i am right now
walked over to derry/10th line last night.
bought a few pizzas and me and andrew shoved em all down pretty quickly.
then we went to go bug lauren at dominion but we think we missed her because it was 10:30 once we got there
didnt think it took that long to eat pizza.
other then that. yesterday was nothing special.
im sure today will be the same.
its 11:30
i have to get to work.
Later Dayz!