Not much to report today, as everything is status quo for the most part. My weight and bp are slightly up; I continue to be amazed at how dependant my BP is on small variations in weight. Ins and outs are close to even, and still no fever (not that I want or expect it). Updates posted on
Daily Vitals. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, because when I lay flat, it puts a lot of pressure on my incision, and is uncomfortable. I tried again last night, and it's not as bad as before, but still not yet doable.
I was a little concerned yesterday, because my urine was more dark than usual. Probably because I had diarrhea the day before, and was a little "dry". It got better throughout the day as I drank more.
I had labs yesterday, but they won't be back until today, because I had them drawn at a satellite clinic, and the courier probably didn't pick them up until the end of the day. I'll sent a message to the Transplant Nurse to check on them, and will probably hear back later today when the Prograf level is back. I still don't have Monday's labs available on line. I can somewhat understand, as they all go to one doctor, and he signs off on them. I'm sure he has a lot of them to do, in addition to his other responsibilities. As long as I'm told the important ones (creatinine, BUN, magnesium, white count, hemoglobin, phosphorous, and Prograf level), then I don't mind so much.
I walked to the clinic yesterday, and it was even easier than the week before. The phlebotimist there is great; she has gotten blood on the first "stick" both times I went there. With my veins, that's no small feat!
The weather here has been rainy and cold, so my plans for a daily walk went by the wayside. My leg edema is still there, but noticeably improved. My
AFO's (ankle foot orthosis aka splint or leg brace) went on much easier.
No diarrhea yesterday, as I took the Imodium the night before (none since). I did have 800 mg of the Magnesium Oxide with lunch and 400 mg at bedtime. Yes, I'm supposed to take 800 mg twice a day, but what good is it if it's causing profuse diarrhea? I will hopefully build up to the correct dose.