...I can ask for your help. I have a billion ideas buzzing around in my head. The problem is I'm not sure which one to pick for further development. Sooo, help me out?
Problem specifications: I want to have some sort of challenge where I can icon Farscape episodes (one ep/week, not more than a few icons per episode). Something interactive where I
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#6 seems like the more popular option than #7 so something derived from the sixth idea would probably work best, but the idea of adding prompts to it is really good if we find a way to make it work with the free schedules (like, how many prompts would a monthly table contain? Cause that sets an upper limit to the watching speed doesn't it, so I wonder where the line should be drawn). Hmmm, good point about the discussions - I wouldn't like to limit the fandom choices (that would probably rule mine right out, haha!), and now that I think about it I'm not sure how well fandom-specific discussion posts would work anyway, so I think your suggestion of having a weekly shared discussion post would be the only sensible way to go about it.
There are still some details to be decided so stay tuned for another post soon!
(Also, totally unrelated but something I have to mention: omfg you have no idea how much I squeed when I saw that you're using one of my icons, and even more when I noticed it was your default! :O I mean what is this even, has someone hacked into your account just to change your userpics?? Whatever it is, I'm super happy and flattered :') ♥)
You could have a basic prompt for the month. Like "Favourite Screencap" or "Most Badass Moment" that people take and apply to whatever show they happen to be claiming. That would be easy enough to maintain for one episode a week or one season a month. Alternatively you could do this but with a weekly version; same options apply, there are just more per month and thus a little more diversifying.
THEN. Welllllll, then. You could go extreme, and set up a monthly table. One prompt per day. OR like, go half/half with prompts/artists choice. IDK. That would eventually make it more like the 365day community, but revealing them all at once gives people freedom to pick and choose what they want, so whether they watch 28/30/31 days of episodes or 1 episode in a month, there are prompts they can pick from.
Also, of course you can mix technical and interpretative. But basically, it could work any which way - and even be optional. I mean, I always icon better when there is a challenge element involved, but other people might just want to icon. In any case, as long as the prompt(s) is an open one, imo it doesn't place any sorts of limitations anywhere.
(YES. OKAY. DON'T FREAK OUT, but I totally sorted and planned all my icon spaces to be filled, and got to DW and found I didn't have a Donna Noble icon to upload, and because I want everything to be neat and organised for a while, I am sitting here waiting patiently for you to finish or attempt your Donna set so I can pick one to upload. So I can't finish uploading till that happens. NO PRESSURE THOUGH :P For reals and seriously... no pressure. I may just go hunting for back-ups as a just in case, but I thought you should know there is a spare space waiting for another of your icons too if by some miracle you find time and inspiration to finish!)
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