The Long Awaited Update

Jul 31, 2008 20:05

I have just updated my site for the first time in nearly four months.

What the hell?

I never intended to go so long between updates, but, ya know, I kind of suck.

However, as I posted on the site, I have recently overcome two of the most frustrating obstacles I faced regarding the maintenance of my site.  I have relocated, reducing my daily commute from two hours down to ten minutes.  I also now have high speed internet in my home.  Which means I now have more time to write, and better access to the tools I need to publish my writing to the site.

Now.  Don't think that just because I haven't been updating that I haven't been writing.  I've been writing my ass off.  Here is a short list of the projects I've been working on and their current status:

Four new short stories in various forms of completion.  I'd like to say these will be on the site soon, but my attentions have been distracted by...

Two new web-comics.  Yes, two(2).

The first is a maxi-series with the working title "Class of '32".  This one is a dramatic, thriller-esque story featuring teenage super-powered mutants.  The story is twelve "issues" long, and the framework is pretty much in place.  Characters are developed, conflicts are clearly defined, the major movements are known quantities.  At this point I'm fine-tuning the issue-to-issue story development, smoothing out story arcs and story transitions, and making sure that everything is in its place, and belongs where it is.  I have begun writing the first issue, and plan to have Issue #1 on the site by the end of August.  However, this one constantly surprises me with how much story it has to yield, and each new twist provides a number of new questions that need answering.  I've been working on this one for months, now, and it just keeps getting deeper.  Further delays may be inevitable, but i think the story is firm enough now that I can finish Issue #1 in the next month, and figure out the rest as I go.

The second web-comic is called "Alice", and is still very fresh in development.  My work developing "Class of '32" turned out to be more demanding and intricate than i originally anticipated, a fact which I hope means that the story will be just as intricate and satisfying.  However, "Class of '32" is rather... grand... in scope.  It's quite huge and sophisticated.  Frankly I needed a break, something to work on that would provide practice as well as diversion.  The result was "Alice".  This is a mini-series, only four to six issues long, dealing with a strange kind of heroine. The story germ that began the title was really just an image and a strange scene that seemed to have legs.  Picture Alice, from Alice in Wonderland.  Pretty petite girl, cute dress all puffy sleeves and lacy hems, fine blonde hair held back with a bright blue ribbon, and carrying a nineteenth century doctor's back which she carries with uncanny ease and familiarity.  She's also, well, a little bit mad.

The comics are where most of my creative energy has been going lately, but I think all the work is nearing its pay-off as both projects near completion at roughly the same time and will be going up on the site soon.

I have a ton of other stuff, but I'll get to that later.

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