Today started off a bit slow. The 7th day of solid grey weather from what I understand, and as many of you may know. When the world is grey outside, Jason (me) is grey inside. Fortunately I had some good conversation care of several old and new friends to pull me through the grey into the rebirth of the sun that would eventually come. I met a lovely young lady named
Laurie Beth that I met on and we hung out a bit while I talked about art and my various social shortcomings... why do I feel the need to share these things when I meet new people?.. Anyways I Digress. She was a big ol' sweetheart and humored me, even when I showed her my masturbating sculpture. What a sport! Pretty girls make me nervous, what can I say.
Tommorrow I will be going to my friend Tyler's wedding. There will be lots of suit action, and if Brandi feels up to it I may even have an escort to the reception. Wait, lets call her!.... Yay, It's an all systems go. Good times! Marriage is such a huge step, I'm so excited for Tyler although I couldn't even imagine taking that step myself for a long long time.
In the spirit of my Asian Art History class and my undying love of eastern philosophy and art I'd like to tell everyone about this bunch of trees I walk through on my way to and from class, and how they have been enriching my day as of late. They are the trees on campus located just pass the Dunn Center parking lot on the way to the Trahern building. The ones in that big sink hole behind the Marks building. Every day on the way too and from class I slow my pace and make a point to swivel in and out between trees and take in the whole experience. The campus is so brick and pavement dominated, this little patch of life really lets me "unwind my mind" and gives me a real sense of being connected. It's nice. Yesterday I couldn't walk through this space because it had rained recently and it was all too muddy, but today the air had dried the mud enough for me to resume my exploration of this place and on the way home today right after I walked through the trees, the sun began to peer out from behind the clouds and I couldn't help to smile.