Do it Electric

May 30, 2005 03:06

I'm sure this will interest more than a few who read this. I'm listening to TMOI - "We Are The Mothers And This Is What We Sound Like!" for the first time, and finding out that rather than a comp of previously recorded tunes, it's actually a great live comp, with various Mother's freakerie interjected throughout. I also just hallucinated and thought that I saw the name "Xénakis" in the track list. I didn't, I just double checked.

Side two time.

So actually, I am a freak, and that probably didn't interest you in the least. Well, certainly not the most, anyway.

If you live in or around Huntington or have anything to do with WWHS then how about some live music? Beardlift is playing at Mercy Benefit, this friday at 7:00 PM at Walt Whitman High School. Cover is around $5. We'll probably also be selling a demo, for cheepnis.

If you have 1/2" tape (blank or "blank") for sale then contact me, because I just might want to buy it. Werp.
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