The Free Table is Love

May 11, 2006 10:29

We got this concept called "The Free Table." If I have something I no longer want, say a book, a pair of shoes, my sanity, etc. and I think someone in the school would want said item, there is a table I can just leave it on for him or her to take. After two weeks, if the item is not taken, it is shunted off to Goodwill or Ohio Thrift.

Welp, I check this table ~3 times per day. You can take the girl out of the commune, but . . . .

Last night, the table so gave me love.

clerical shirt, tab style, women's, size 18, violet, Friar Tuck.

Like, a $40 shirt. Right. there.

MINE. and fits like a dream.

Bought my first tab today. Tabs run ~$1.65 after tax. So, I recovered my first clerical and only had to buy the tab. Lol. I recovered my first clerical. So ironic. snrk.

Serendipity, baby.
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