Yeah. Let's take the naive guy from Israel, and not tell him about the volume. Because teenager girls shouting -- very funny. God, please stop *whimper*
Yvette has to go through the shouting of what must be two zillion girls shouting every morning? What are they shouting about? Why why why would anyone skreech to high heavens like that. OK, calm down. Calm down. I have a big day ahead of me. Some recon just to scope out the target, getting my gear ready...Maybe I can start by cleaning my gun....DAMN IT! Now I dropped the saturday pin. Has there been a murder down there? If there wasn't, I'm starting to wish there was.
OK, I'll just leave Yvette a note and go out for my little recon mission. Because if I hear one more girl shouting about her goddamn cereal...well....going postal would probably be a bad idea.
*shouted* Yvette? I'm going out. See you at the Bronze, 9ish...