(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 16:43

Hey kids. I figured i'd update this thing since its been forever.  Still working at the hotel, i'm going to start looking for another job though so that I can start auditioning for shows etc.  It's impossible to do with this job only having two shifts to choose from.  Kasey and Steve are staying with us, Brett stays over a lot too. We have a good time.  We're looking into getting an apartment with Steve and Kasey to save money.  Brett might go in on it too but i'm not sure.  Whatever we're doing we have to make our decisions quick because our lease is up next month. DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!!! lol

I'm sitting here at the desk and everyone who walks in i want to slap in the face lol.  Apprently the hotel business is not for me.  haha

I went to see the johnson city musical with my family this past weekend.  It was great. Everyone did a great job and i ran into a bunch of people that i havent seen in years.  It was weird being back in that school.  I realized how much i missed it...pretty screwed up huh? hahaha
Lynn's show was this past weekend and of course i had to miss it because of work, which sucked.

Anyways, I guess thats all for now.
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