
Jan 14, 2009 19:11

I still can’t believe I’m having another baby this soon. I’ll be 24 years old with 3 children under the age of 5!! I’m not a 100% sure if I’m having my tubes tied or not. I don’t think we want any more after this baby but I feel too young to have that done. I’ll just keep weighing my options and decide when the time comes. I’m already 14 weeks and the time is flying by. I’m excited to find out what we’ll be having this time around at the end of February. I’m thinking it’s probably a girl because of the heart rate being in the 160’s but I’ll be happy either way. Dalton has been walking for almost 2 months now and he has finally started trying to run but he almost always ends up falling on his face. He is honestly the funniest little thing I’ve ever seen. Kaci’s basketball goal she got for her birthday he will run up to it and push it and then run back because he tries to make it fall over and it has fell on him a couple of times. Dalton and Kaci have been fighting over the living room vent. Kaci would always sit on it whenever the heat would come on and Dalton has started doing it too, so now they end up fighting over it and Dalton ends up pushing Kaci off of it. He’s going to be as big as she is before long. He’s already 23 pounds and poor Kaci is only 33 pounds, she is still so very little. As I was typing this Dalton is sitting on Kaci’s head. Lol I am really going to have my hands full with another little one in the mix. I can’t believe that Kaci will be 5 years old this year! She won’t start school until she’s 5 ½ though because of her birthday. Now Dalton is making gun noises with a water bottle, he is just too silly!
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