More JSA Comic News

Jul 28, 2009 20:08

Newsarama has a interview up with Matt Sturges about the new comic.

Nrama: Who is going to be leading the new team?

Sturges: The leaders of the new team are going to be Power Girl and Magog.

Nrama: Who else is on the team?

Sturges: The other members of the old guard, going back to the earlier series, are Hourman (Rick Tyler) and Stargirl. And each of them has a specific role on the team. Hourman is the liaison to the main JSA team. And Stargirl is sort of the, and this isn't her official title, but she's sort of the emotional core of the team. And we'll learn early on that Power Girl convinced her to join the team for that very reason. The younger heroes look up to her because she's been in the JSA longer, and they see her as a role model. Someone they can relate to. Some of the younger team members, like Cyclone or Wildcat - Wildcat III or as I call him, Wildcat Jr. [laughs] - might be a little intimidated by someone like Power Girl. But Stargirl is someone they see as a peer. But someone that they also really respect. And that's kind of funny because I think she's the youngest person on the team by at least two years.

So we have Hourman, Stargirl, Power Girl, Magog, the younger Wildcat, Damage, Citizen Steel, Judomaster, Cyclone, and King Chimera.

There rest of the interview can be read here

jsa all-stars, news

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