First order of business, all of you should go read
this article. It is amusing in a sick way. These dutch perverts are forming a political party so they can legalize pedophelia. And other odd stuff.
Anyways, today I was thinking. Why do people say that you shouldn't care what other people think? That other people's opinions don't matter? I think that's a pile of bullshit, really. Other people's opinions really do matter. That's not to say that everything one should do should be catering to what other people think, that would be a waste of time, but if you take the attitude that other people's opinions don't matter, you wouldn't get anywhere.
Let's just get into my shoes for a second. I'm a soon-to-be sophomore in high school. A year later, I will be a junior. In 2 years I'll nearly be a senior, and only a year after that, in 3 whole years, 1000 days later will I be out of high school. That's a lot of time. And if you go around thinking that other opinions don't matter, it's possible that your annoying personality will just shine through (though not that that matters, of course, because *it doesn't matter what other people think*). Well that's all fine until people start showing that they don't like you. I may be wrong, but high school is a time when friends are extremely important. If someone just doesn't care what other people think, then they very well mmight not have friends... that can be socially damaging and just unbearable. And it all can root from just not caring what other people think.
Not that this pertains to me at all, but it was something I thought of. I think it's a stupid stupid expression.
I absolutely love Ms Clifton. Today I had my last english class, and the whole class, with the exception of one kid, was kinda sad to leave her. This whole year of english has just been a concert of cooky Clifton craziness. As a finale, she told us her awful prom story. It was SO FUCKING FUNNY. I wish I could retell it, but as I told Rachel, she said "aww" too many times, so many times that I realized that only the way Ms Clifton said it could it be funny. So I won't tell it here. But I feel bad for everyone who couldn't hear it. It was so funny. I love ms clifton, and I'm glad her new job will be right around the corner from my house.
In my final Chemistry class today, the SAP (AP) Bio teacher came in for about 10 minutes to give us a brief introduction to the class and to give us our summer hw (a LOT of summer homework... blech). She did an amazing job of throroughly scaring us all. She was really intimidating! Ms Swain is a rather large woman, who carries such a presence with her. She emits a no-nonsense attitude right away and is extremely well spoken. And the words she chose... they were carefully picked (and even she admitted this) to, I think, scare us out of taking to course. Or, to rule out the weak ones. But we were ALL trembling by the end. She did say that she wasn't actually this scary, and that she intended to be intimidating, but that didn't change the fact that I am fully aware that AP bio is gonna be tough. and that we have a lot of summer homework for it.
Haaa. Mads's bffl recently started talking to me, and through my unbelievable powers of getting people to tell me what I want them to, I managed to get him to confess that he's gay to me, before he told mads! I FEEL SO POWERFUL! I don't care that he's gay, I just care that he told me before he told anyone because I don't even know him and we're not even very good friends and it was due to my power and skills! Just like how I recently got debbie to stay up 1 1/2 hours after she said she was going to bed. I can control people!
I also got the strange temptation to throw myself down the stairs at school today, or suddenly faint at a random point during the day. This isn't a desperate cry for attention, is it?