Okay, I can't keep up the denial about this any more. I was shooting some video this morning for a possible upcoming episode of the Rob Show, and it is plainly obvious that I'm developing a bald spot on the back of my head in classic male pattern style. I guess that's better than having it thin out from the front, but it's still sad to see it go.
Now I have a reason to wear that hat, I guess. Sigh.
Also, I have to stop drinking caffeine. The past couple of years I was aware that I couldn't metabolize it like I used to. That's lately turned into sometimes feeling downright poor after I do so. I spent a few weeks this month just drinking decaf, and that seemed to be fine. Then earlier this week I experimentally went back to regular. That went ok. So I had some more. Then some more. Then this morning I felt terrible, and I remembered why I wasn't going to do that any more.
Sigh. Well, I can't say I didn't enjoy the coffee while it lasted. But I don't think I'll actually miss it that much. It was really just a way to rent temporary office space every day.
Hm, maybe I'll miss it a little. But that's why they invented decaf.