Jun 13, 2004 12:22
Word up.
i know some of you may have read my last entry, the one i flipped out on, and told a bad secret i shouldn't of even mentioned, well, to those people, please, dont say anything about it, and i dont mean, dont tell anyone, i mean, dont talk about it with me. thank you very much
now to put my assholeness behind, last week was our, well, last, week, at ellis. we had class day, i got a couple awards, not too shabby, i thought i wasn't going to get any. Mrs. Diburro cried when the jess's and melissa gave her, her speech, i decided to be the "adult", stand up, and start clapping, of course everyone followed. haha j to the k. but yes, a standing ovation was definately needed for such an amazing teacher. We got our yearbooks, i didn't even pay for it, but i still got a free one. woot. yeah thats definately Mom Style fo sho. Had a couple pieces of pizza, that got me in a good mood, and ah, i got sad.
ver ver sad, i finally realized, we were leaving. i was leaving all these, funny, dorky, amazing people. yes they're annoying sometimes, but aren't we all?
Ah well, Maria's party is in an hour or so. And i need to call my grandmother and thank her for the graduation money and perhaps bribe her into me and maria going down there for a couple days this summer. woo boy, me, maria, florida, and my grandmother, that would be quite the Fox Comedy Sitcom.
well, im out.