Spike's hobbies and his silly problems xposted because I'm desparate

May 29, 2008 11:19

We cemented Spike's escape tunnels and he dug a new one. Yesterday he was in next door's yard, having tunneled there. Matt pounded several sticks in the ground that may or may not stop him from using this escape tunnel again.

Now I have to address Spike's problems and I really want to. I want the best for Spike and my 2 cats.

I believe Spike is bored. Now if I keep him in the house all the time he gets cabin fever. I can't take him out in public because he is a rescue and formerly abused dog and he has strange reactions. Just the other day he had an episode where we were walking up the hall together and he collided with my ankle and panicked for about 15 minutes. He recovers and gets back to being my pal pretty soon.

Other people let their dogs run loose to socialize, but we can't do that with Spike because he generally hates all other male dogs and very large dogs. He once attacked a Lab for no apparent reason when we were having let him run loose experiments. The Lab whooped him all over, obviously. Even if he were to like all dogs and be a dog saint, we live 1/4 mile from a 45 mph zone and 1 mile from a 55 zone which is a 4 lane divided highway. Not good for a dog that is shorter than cats.

It seems like he would enjoy the company of another dog. If we were to get a small breed female puppy, I think he would be very happy. I do not want another dog. I do not want another dog. I do not want another dog. I do not want another dog. I have 3 pets and I used to have 4 and I do not want another dog.

I am going to bring Spike in the house for more hours a day, say only leave him out there for 3-4 hours instead of 8-9 and see how he does. Spike was happier before Muttley died last winter, but I do not want another dog. Wouldn't a beagle puppy be just wonderful? They are so cute and friendly and would have so much in common with Spike but I do not want another dog. He just loves puppies. You should see how he acts when there is a puppy on the TV.

I don't want to drug my dog into a zombie either. Right now I cut up a Valerian tab into slivers and give him a little bit each day. It helps a microscopic amount. Since he's had severe drug reactions before, I hesitate getting him a script.

What am I going to do with this dog? The circumstances here have changed radically in the last year. My husband is in poor health and I am on disability. Yesterday I could not take the 2 garden hoses apart. Spike will always have special needs since he has PTSD. I don't want to give him away and I don't think anyone else would understand him or have the patience for him. He's slightly insane, brilliant and digs like a backhoe. I'm willing to put up with these things, but I doubt anyone else would. Also he barks at everything. Not a favored trait in a dog,but he's insane.

Any ideas on what to do with his new habit of digging escape tunnels? He used to really suck at digging tunnels and would dig a trench 3 inches deep and 25 feet long. Now he knows how to do it and he's digging escape tunnels for real.

ADDED: I am looking for a toy gun that launches bazillions of small, soft, indoor safe items. Spike doesn't fetch. He runs out there and looks at what's been thrown, AND COMES BACK WITHOUT IT. IF I THROW IT AWAY, I HAVE TO GO GET IT MYSELF. THIS CAN BE A KID'S TOY. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A DOG TOY.
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