Apr 16, 2009 08:11
Work has agreed to allow me to trade my shift on Thrusdays during June. I have found 5 out of 6 trades needed in order to have Thursday mornings off.
Four out of five Thursdays.... I will work 6p-1130p and someone will take my 6a-1130a.
One out of the five...someone will work my Thursday 6a-1130a and I will take their Fri. 5p-1030p. This stinks because it falls on a different pay week, which cuts me short 5.5hrs on an already cut pay schedule.
May 28th I have no trade. This would be the 1st day of school....so it will be a vacation day, I guess.
Work did not want me to trade at all, but rather take the hours w/o pay, which I can not do.
It would have been great for me if I could have...because that would give me time to do my homework...where right now, I have no clue where to schedule that in????
That is a scary thought that they were willing to do that the whole month of June.
So...If my 5,100.00 loan is approved for summer session, and my ferret stays stable...then it looks like I will begin my Graduate Degree on May 28th at Rutgers University.
Getting this trade prevents me from having to take two classes on two campuses (New Brunswick/Newark) two days a week. It also means I only have to park once since the classes are back to back in New Brunswick on the same days.
However...this will be a killer because this is two classes in six weeks at the same time w/a 21hr a week internship....and working FT. That is just crazy!!!! I know alot of my previous classmates dropped when they attemtped this........
I am also trying desperately to be placed at Mt. Carmel Guild (yes working w/the Mentally Ill again...I like them) because...A. it is down the block from my house and B. I hear they are flexible... so running home for lunch feedings may be a possibility...
I would have liked to have a go in the school system or get a very clinical placement..but I have to make my life as easy as possible to do this...
I think it has been suggested that I help to facilitae a new support group at the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital...???
The woman who faciltates the support group there.... is working on starting a Compassion/Fatigue Group for Vets and Staff... and looked right at me and said.. for those of you in the field I am looking for help in getting this going.... so I have to speak with her because I am VERY INTERESTED!!!!!! Putting in hours there will go towards my VSW title!!!! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.....!!!!!
I also spoke to her about starting up a Support Group for those who are care giving to chronically sick or terminal animals... however, she said she posed this already to the Oncology group and it was shot down. They felt doing so would take away hope from owners...
DUH...doing so would help them to accept the reality of their animals situation, help them to make better, informed decisions with clarity, and assist in the greiving process snce greif begins before death.
She said..well Thank You!!! At least you and I are on the same page.
I can acutally see me working at this place after my degree.... they seem to be really getting into the Veterinary SW thing....
So excited!!!!! But, not excited for school... and not even sure it will work out....
I have done so much advocating for myself w/this....I am exhausted!