Jan 10, 2009 09:11
A friend of mine is having some marital issues. Prior to his becoming married, we had did some work during a break up...but I knew we had only put a band aid on the problem...and that it would reoccur. It took a couple of years....but issues are back.
We spent about 5hours talking on new years day....and then again latter at dinner during the week. My friend asked me if I would please join him at his therapy session (yesterday) because what I was saying was making a lot of sense...but he was not sure he would remember it all to relay it to his therapist. He has been seeing a higly reccommended Clinical Psychologist for aprox. a year now...and has split from his wife this sept.
I told him I would go, as long as he called and made sure it was ok w/the therapist...
So, last night we went. Now I have known this man since he was 3yrs old....so I had alot to offer on his backround and childhood.
Anyhow....about 20minutes into the session...the Psychologist said to me...
Have you been in thearapy before??? or Are you in the field of Mental Health???
I advised him that I was a Social Worker....he said..ah, that makes sense. You had way too much insight, not to have been a counselor yourself.
He then said....You are "very" good.
So....throughout the session....he kept telling me that I was "very Good"
I was sooooooooo taken back. First he picked me off as a counselor, then he was holding my ability in high esteem. He kept agreeing w/everything I said. He even went as far as to tell me friend that he was welcome to bring me back for further sessions, but if he did...he felt the fee should be split between us.
At the end of the session he says....
Do you have your own private practice? WOW...a 2nd Psychologist to think I was already in private practice. I said..NO. I have merely just graduated w/my BSW. He asked...so what next??? You are going for your LCSW right? I told him I was not sure if I should just take a break, and then continue...or just continue or maybe just stop.
He said..."oh, NO...you MUST continue right now...you are good, very good....and if you dont continue you will never be satisfied.
He said to my friend...we did really good work here tonight...
Wow....I am once again stunned.
I still dont get what I am doing that is soooo good???
I kind of felt like an ass and like everything I said was stupid.
But he was VERY impressed and therefore it impressed me.