A new poem

Mar 29, 2009 10:47

Keep Moving

I know it's hard. Oh God, I know it's hard, but move forward and go one minute at a time. The minutes will soon turn to hours will turn to days and soon it will be easier to sleep, then get up, then move on, but keep moving. For stopping right now will only torture you more. The pain in your muscles, the ache in your heart, the questions in your brain will work themselves out. There is one truth that exists now and has existed since the beginning of time: you are beautiful.

You are beautiful.
You deserve love.
You deserve better.
You deserve to be understood and worshiped for your beauty and your brilliance and your spirit, your courage and your strength and your fire, your passion and your security and your drive.
It is all these things that both attract and repel boys.
For boys grasp onto society's lie that they're better because of their gender, and they can't resolve it when they're in your presence.
Because your aura, your energy, your perfection contradict that. Their worship of you denies that lie and boys can't accept the truth: no one is better.
We all just are.
And your ability to be everything they are and more while loving and kind and giving is what draws them to you.
Makes them crave you.
Turns them toward you and causes the boys to be blinded by your Light.
And when they come to the point where they have to admit to themselves and the world that it's possible, it's possible to [gasp] be equal, although different, to a female, they turn away.
It's more fulfilling and much easier to live being "better" than "equal".
But don't lose heart.
There are those who move through this phase and look beyond the veil to See.
And those are Men.
Men who can love and honor and worship you for your independence, your strength, your courage to live in a world that still belittles you in 10,000 subtle ways and love it anyway.
Men do not listen to society, pastors, friends, media.
Men listen to the inner workings of their souls and truly hear what the Universe is telling them:
We are all equal. Different, yes, but equal.
God did not make us lower than males.
God did not make males higher than females.
God made us all.
And the day will come when the men who are drawn to us won't cower in fear at our power, our beauty, our strength, our wisdom.
But will grasp on, take hold, and beg us to stay, to enrich their lives with our energy and our love and our kindness.
They will Love us for everything we are and everything we aren't. They will love us because of our "faults" and will see our entire being. Our souls. Our past and our future as well as our present.
They will love us for our anger at little things, for our neurotic need to clean (or our horrible way of keeping house).
They will love us because we cannot cook, but we try hard.
And, if we choose--and only if we choose--will we give them our hearts and maybe a commitment to forever.
But never our souls.
The soul is what shines within us and draws others to us.
The soul is ourselves.
The soul is what guides us toward tomorrow with our eyes on today and the beauty in front of us.
The soul is what is.
It has always guided us, it guides us now, and it will guide us to death and beyond.
And when we are no longer in bodily form, our souls will live on and remind the Universe of the beauty of it all.
So do not fret, my friend, it will get easier.
Your heart is broken and you feel discouraged, but your strength abounds.
Your beauty transcends.
Your intelligence is screaming.
Your wall of courage is stronger than it looks.
And life will go on.
And peace will live loudly
from the center of your being.
The time is coming, but until then keep moving.
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