Feb 28, 2011 20:35
Wow, I can't believe Feb is over already! It feels like Feb just started. But now it's March (and I have a feeling that March will fly by as well). Training is in full swing at GMR. I love thinking back that last year, that was me. I think we should have gotten all the CPs in now (unless we get any for Spring Quarter), so anymore training now would be cross-training. And speaking of cross-training (I can't believe I didn't post anything for this), I am now trained at Muppets! I got cross-trained right after I got back from the wedding. It was really easy. Training was 3 days (plus an assessment). I had Kay for Day 1 (and I was with Claire, which was nice), had James for Day 2 and 3, and had George for the assessment (again, with Claire). Compared to GMR, Muppets is nothing. There are 5 positions at Muppets (and 2 aren't always out, like if Muppets is shortstaffed). They are: Greeter, Photocell, Pre-Show, Theater, and Exit (Greeter and Exit can be dropped, while the others have to be up). Photocell takes care of Greeter if it's dropped, and Pre-Show takes care of Exit if it's dropped. But like I said, it's really easy. I didn't need all 3 days (I would have been fine with 2). And the trainers were all really nice. I don't know how often I'll be scheduled there (with the current bid, I picked time of day. So I probably won't be there too often). But I may pick up a shift every once in awhile.