Had a dream last night that I was at a house party and
Maurissa Tancharoen was there. She was promoting V, which she is not in and does not write for. Regardless, she was signing V S1 DVDs for everyone. The only DVD I had on me was the Dollhouse S1 DVD I got at Comic-Con. I was disappointed for a moment, and then remembered that she worked on Dollhouse, too! (Derp.) So she signed that for me.
Community is back and it made me happy. I think it must be incredibly hard to do a show with that big and diverse of a cast and still get everyone the attention they need. (Poor Pierce.) It took a rewatch of the first eight eps of the season last month for me to realize that this season is still happenin'. Messianic Myths was still a big ol' mess, though. I still think they switched something technical, and that makes everything look off, but I'm almost over it.
I feel like I need to stop reading about TV, because it makes me want to watch...everything. The
community_anon journal has favorite moments/quotes/deliveries threads, and it makes me want to do an immediate rewatch. A random Arrested Development quote...yup, same thing. And don't even ask why I'm reading
Slayer, which has an "Awesome!" category for each episode's highlights. Even the terrible ones, like Bad Eggs and I Robot! Right now I really want to watch the last half dozen or so eps of the series, for some menacing Nathan Fillion goodness. (Note: I am not saying S7 is terrible, because I am a fan of anything Buffy, except S8. I have about five episodes out of the series that I didn't love but can still find a redeeming quality in, the rest of it is awesome and makes me happy.)
I can't even talk about
Keith O. I'm so depressed, and it makes me sad that he left before the SOTU.
And the new line-up is terrible. It should be Ed/Rachel/Lawrence, not Lawrence/Rachel/Ed. Not that I'll watch Ed/Lawrence regardless, I'm just saying, start with the highest energy and ramp your way down as sleepytime approaches.
That's a new free hour in my evening, though. I haven't yet been able to delete the Season Pass from my TiVo, but I've already picked my background music: