Emmy noms are out. Woo hooooo! Dexter finally got some (non-technical) love.
Also, only half the best drama nominees are on network. Innnnnteresting. Heh heh, The Tonight Show got totally snubbed. I love when that happens. Late Show got five. Recount did really, really well. Eleven noms. Danny Strong amongst them! I should really see that one, but after January.
Went to the dentist today...again. They took impressions, made me wince a lot, and put on a new temporary crown. I'm working all day Saturday (so much for Valleyfair) and I asked to come in later today, yay. Gives me time to recover...and finish watching Batman Begins.
The dentist offered an idea for the trip down to CCI. Staying in a hotel around the airport the night before I leave and then keeping my car there for much cheaper than the airport lots.
Bonuses would be that I can make sure everything is prepped the night before (no three am last minute packing), I wouldn't have to stop and pick up my sister, or wake up at four am for the 6:45 flight, and wouldn't have to hang out waiting for the shuttle on the way back. Negative is that I don't know how much it would cost. So, hmmm.