I'm at my parents' house. Allllll alone.
After I liberated the kitties, I drove them home. Bill left a "present" in my cat carrier my parents' new cat carrier. Nice. He wouldn't poo for two days there and then couldn't wait twenty minutes to get home? Dramaaaaatic. I told Sister #2 about that and her response was, "Yeah, he does that." Way to warn
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LFDN is a great CD. They picked some awesome score music, and it has two Lorne songs (Lady Marmalade and It's Not Easy Being Green), plus Lindsay's LA Song.
Its availability is spotty, yeah. I had to special order it from my favorite store, and then I found it at Wal-Mart for five bucks cheaper, d'oh.
It's still uploaded here, and the track listing is here. It's 25 tracks, and about twenty are just score, so it depends on if you liked the Angel score, I guess.
And here's Kane: www.sendspace.com/file/0mqxfr
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