Many of you, my friends, are good with The Arts. I have recent acquired a GBA flash cart for the sole purpose of playing
Mother 3 in english on actual hardware.
This GBA cart has a boot menu whose background I get to choose. At the moment is a pretty horrible Naruto image because it came with the cartridge software, lool.
SO. I ask you, my LJ-reading friends, to come up with an image for me. The dimensions are 240x160 and the format doesn't matter. I know it's small, but hey, one of YOU gets to pick what I look at whenever I turn my GBA on. I find this hilarious and hopefully you do, too.
Judging will occur in the next entry if I even receive any entries. Each person that submits gets two votes per submission; every other person gets one vote. NSFW and other entries will be ignored. :3