May 22, 2007 13:11
Well, I never thought I would say this, but for the first time since i've been at Columbia, I am optimistic. I'm taking two classes this term. One is a Language Development class, which so far has been a lot of psychology of laungauge stuff, which is familiar to me and interesting. We also have a prof for the class who is regarded as good. (for once.) My second class is math. yeah, don't get excited. it's Math for the Elementary School Teacher. We had our first class last night. The guy seems like he will be good. He's giong to kick our asses, and he's really sort of full of himself being a good teacher, but hopefully he'll live up to it. He also has a very prononced Boston accent, which irritates the hell out of me, but oh well. His name is Peter (but if we ever call him by his first name, I think we will be shot), but he kept referring to himself as "Peta". sigh. I had M&Ms on the table. He came over and poked at the package - by that point they were gone. He smiled and asked if I really wanted an A in the class. I responded to that by saying "I guess I shouldn't tell you that I'm a yankee fan too". He laughed. It was amusing. But even though it was 2 1/2 hours (and we went over) with no break, it wasn't boring. I actually found myself thinking that this term might just be what I came to COlumbia for. Let's hope it lives up to that first impression. Before I can really do that though, I STILL have to finish assessment. It's getting there. The report is now 25 pages - and not done. I have to write the diagnosis section, the summary, and the recommendations. That will add at least 5 pages. I was going to do the diagnosis now, but I apparently need the DSM IV (the book we use to classify kids because it has all of the specific criteria for everything listed), which I don't hve a copy of. So I guess I better go to school now....
In other news, I joined a gym that has a pool. So last night I went swimming after class. I swam close to a half mile. I could have kept going but since i haven't swam in so long I didn't want to wake up sore. As it was I was still tired when I woke up, so what did I do? I went skating! (and jumped!) I'm determined to get myself into shape. Because I feel gross. Even today I feel a little better, but on the way back from the rink I went grocery shopping and stocked up on fruit and veggies... must trim self. now at least I have a little time. it's amazing what happens when you have class but no student teaching - you remember that there is a world outside!