Title: Like Air (White Collar Fic)
Author: J. Rosemary Moss
Genre: White Collar; OT3, asexual Neal
Pairing: Peter-Elizabeth-Neal
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Alas, I don't own White Collar or the characters
Summary: Peter wants to fix something that's not broken . . .(This story is a response to an
LJ Collar Kink prompt. I've prettied it up and reposted
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Comments 31
I love that Peter doesn't just get it, because Peter is human and asexuality is practically unknown in the ~real world~, and that Neal is offended by that. However, I also love that Peter understands his error and fixes it. :D
And Neal's POV section really captures that sort of feeling that I get when I think about my future and what sort of relationships I'll have. If I'll ever find someone who'll respect my desires, or work with me, compromise their needs with mine. I really felt for him, and it makes me glad that El and Peter are there for him.
So, um, yeah. XD Sorry for the motormouth, but I really loved this fic. :D
But srsly, the interactions are so sweet and tender. Peter is so blundering but well-meaning. Neal is so...earnest? Wanting to meet him halfway? IDK.
If you write a sequel, I will send you hugs and cherries.
I want the hugs and cherries, so I will write a sequel! ;)
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