a-blogging we shall go

Apr 20, 2004 22:00

hello boys and girls. what's new?

ashmo and i are blogging at the same time...we rock THAT much.

I had a psychology test monday...i think it went pretty well. not extremely sure about that. Had a construction science test today. I pulled an all nighter to study for it. Now when i say i pulled an all nighter to study, what i mean is that I pulled an all nighter, but decided to start studying around 4:45 in the morning. Now i had to read a lot more than anticipated for this test compared to the last one i took. and it's a good thing i did otherwise i would have reallly fucked that up good. luckily it went a lot better than i thought it would, and if everything goes right...i'll be able to get an A in the class. woohoo!

I got registered for all my classes for next semester. I'll be taking a philosophy course over modern day morals and stuff...or so it seems. and it's really weird that i'm taking the course because i usually don't discuss my views on a lot of these issues. i see it as all being very controversial and causing arguments very easily. so hopefully i just have to write a paper or two where i just state my views, and i don't actually have to argue with anyone. a lot of the modern day issues, such as abortion and many others, all produce the same essential feeling in me. that feeling is that you believe what you believe and i'll believe what i believe. if you don't like it, too bad. it's all a matter of toleration. i could go on and on, but it's pretty much the same feeling i have towards religion that i posted on a while back. (for those that actually read this thing)

I've got lots of stuff to do and not a lot of time to do it in. no me gusta.

cats suck. they are evil and need to die. not kittens though...they're cool. but cats = no good. spawn of satan is what they are

I hate it when you get a song stuck in your head. more so, i hate it when you get ONE LINE of a song stick in your head. and it's not even in the chorus, it's a verse line. for those wondering...Billy Ray Cyrus (that's right bitches, i'm still listening to that guy). it's a line from the song "words by heart"

so this weekend i was building a playhouse for my construction science class. Everything was coming along pretty well. my group was working on getting the rafters ready to put up for the roof. I was in the doorway of the playhouse hammering a roof hanger on to one of the rafters. out of nowhere, a 2x4 comes swinging down from the roof and smashes the SHIT out of my left pinky finger. It fucking hurt. Some DUMBASS was attempting to hammer a rafter into the center beam of the roof all by hisself. 10 minutes later the guy says to me "dude, my bad. it was totally my fault" NO SHIT SHERLOCK. i wanted to break a 2x4 over his face...that idiot. me bitter? nawwwww.....hahaha. but yeah, the finger looked cool the next day. the section with the finger nail was twice the normal size. it was a nice purplish/bluish color from all the swelling, bruising and blood. needless to say, i can't play handball this week.

I'm starting to get tired from my all nighter that i was dumb enough to pull. but whatever, i'll tough it out. it aint no thaaaaaaang.

holy shit, i feel sorry for those of you still reading this. this is such a terrible blog. nothing exciting happens in my life...WHY ARE YOU READING THIS??!! it's so horrible.

i end it now. zip it up and zip it out.
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