May 23, 2006 14:46
Holy cow! I can't believe how much drama breastfeeding and bottlefeeding can really create!
I read the post from one of the other lj users and she got like 50+ responses! In my opinion, Breast feeding is so much better, but I simply chose the opposite, for personal reasons! I regret not even trying to breast feed now...I really do! Sometimes I begin to think that maybe my daughter would sleep better, and wouldn't be so crabby...
lately she hasn't even been wanting to drink her bottles...Yesterday she didn't really eat much at all, and I felt like she was starving herself, so I called my mom and she told me that she will eat when she is hungry...yeah, I know that, but when she didn't eat for about 7-8 hours, you begin to get scared! I finally force fed her, because I called the doctor, and he told me that I could do 1 of 2 things...either force feed her to get her to drink at least 2oz. or bring her to the doctor....well, her doctor is about 30 minutes away, and she screams the whole time she is in the car...(she hates car rides). She finally starting eating again around 10:00pm last night...then this morning, she devoured her morning bottle! She sleeps almost through the night, except lately...
I have 2 questions...
1. Is there anything that can help with getting her to not scream while being in the car? (We are leaving town this weekend, and we are going to be in the car for 2 1/2 hours).
2. What could I do, to get her back to sleeping about 6-7 hours a night like she did last week? Or is this just one of those growth spurt things that I am always hearing about?
I would really like to get some feedback on these two questions...Thanks in advance!