Title: Forever & Ever (Miseinen Sequel)
Author: Zion Shadowlet
butterflysagaCharacters: Aoi, Uruha, Ruki, Reita, Kai and many OCs (Fuwa etc.)
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha, Reita/Ruki, OC/Kai
Genre: Drama, Romance, Friendship, Comedy
Rating: NC17
Summary: Six years have passed since the summer at the Dazai Bright Future Retreat for Troubled Children. The boys meet in an unexpected way perhaps bound by fate in the underground world of Visual Kei. With broken hearts and promises; the boys-now young men look to regain some of what they lost by the wild and reckless pursuit of the same dream.
Notes: I forgot to post up Part 36 so here it is with 37.
Miseinen - For new readers Forever & Ever (Miseinen Sequel): Part 41: I never thought in my wildest dreams that you would teach me what it meant to be a real man