Well, though it was time to post again xD
This time I bring you a lot of randomness! 8DD
~These are screen caps from gazette's pv "Machibouke no kohende", Aoi just loooks so angry there XD
That's what happens when cameramen bother Aoi...
And I found that pic of Aoi in manager's blog... we all know that Aoi is a pervy <33
and some icons for it XD
And I was talking with some people in a Sid forum about Mao always wearing hats (he wears them alot!), we concluded that Mao was afraid of going bald, so if he sometime does, he'll be able to wear hats to hide it and don't be suspected 8D so here's bold Maonyan!
*very VERY crappy photoshop <333*
*And some icons... XD*
(made for a stillness contest XD but thought it was funny <3)
And these are from
pickle six XD it made me laugh alot 8D
what do you think?¿ 8DD