Mar 16, 2003 03:01
yeah so sorry i haven't updated in awhile, i just haven't been able to think of anything interesting to put up, but now i'm back with a shit storm of vengence. \
my stupid fucking job is screwing me over big time, i've told them like 60 zillion times that i can't work any later than i already do, and yet they still seem to think i'm ok with working later than i already do. one peice of advice for all you job seekers out there never work for a company who's
A. headquaters is located far far away(because if they can't see you then you don't exist and shouldn't be considered in any decision involving you or your job)
B. is gonna give you the shaft(there is of course no way of knowing this ahead of your fine shaftin, but if it's a multi-million dollar or more a year company, then the chances of getting the shaft are greater than a homeless person have a faul oder)
our shows this weekend were excelent:
the monroe township building show was ok the sound in that place is terrible, and no one will get close to you cause there is so much room, but other than those to very minor set backs it was all systems go! my freakin mom came and i had to embarass it was great.
the why're show was awesome, the why're is my favortie place to play and is definitly considered the home of espenshade. the sound is great and the people are forced to be close to you which makes it feel like there are so many people there even when there isn't. we got 3 more shows just from playing that show which is damn fine with me, we made a ton off of merch, shirts are comming soon!!!
i sware i will post more often now that i'm all pissed about my job i will be venting regularly
J-A-double Rizzle-O-Dizzle fo shizzle