I dun wanna.... ;_;

May 23, 2003 12:54

UGH... I have to walk the hills of hell in about an hour. Today is the last day of school for Chris and Taylor. Joy. But it's also friday... which means I have to go walk down to the school to get taylor. I hope I don't die.

FINALLY got to take my finals this morning. I swear... --; I hope I did OK... I Have a pretty good feeling I did really well on them... but that 'hunch' has been known to be quite wrong on occasion.

I emailed Masamichi last night about new hands for Papillon, and a can of the Zokeimura standard skin paint. w00t. Lets see.... it's gonna cost me $75 for a can of paint, and some hands. --; Lovely. The can is $7 or something, and the hands are about $35. So... $10 of that is his fee... the rest is shipping. JEZUS... O_o; However... I guess I'll do it. Dun have much of a choice. Stupid lack of money --;

Emailed Hyla, she said that Mio will be ready to ship any day now *starry eyes* HAPPY!!! ^_____^ At long last I get my volks. Nimue should be here soon too.. thats the Korean doll I bought. I'm half thinking about selling her though, when she gets here, and keeping the clothes. Depends on how I like her body (and if I need the money...) but that's yet to be decided.

I'm back on a Hellsing kick... Alucard Alucard Alucard.... Man, for someone who doesn't like fangirls too much, I'm not exactly being fair am I? *lol*

not including today, or my birthday itself... 10 days left. I can't wait for my friends to come down here.... I hope they have a good time... and I hope my parents actually remember this year --; I'm not up for the whole sixteen candles senerio again.

Anyway.... hm. Looking for something to do... *bored* somebody message me or something before I implode. :D