ok, like the title says, I did a quick cover of one of my favorite songs from Laruku...although...I'm not so convinced of this cover for some reason, maybe is my singing as always lol, maybe if it's not hyde it's not worth it, hahaha, I don't know maybe the lack of sleep :P ( I gotta point as always, my singing is just to fill a space in the song, but the important thing always, the guitars XD )
Anyway, I post it here cause I gotta thank Majin of course, because of him I'm finally able to play this fine piece of work =) , soo thanks a lot man !! :D love ya, lol
mmm, some extra thoughts..mmm.. well this is the first complicated?¿? solo I've ever played, I'm so n00b lol but feels good to play something a little more elaborate, so I'm happy for that =P
Anyways, that's it I guess...oh yeah link :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85f5LX-MZt4 Ciao =)