and work for what you want
Alot of fans complain all the time about how they want there favorite bands to come to their country. saying things like "I wish -insert band- would come here" or "Why don't they ever tour here?"
If you want a band to come to your country show them you want them there. The particular band I'm talking about is LM.C. They stated in an interview with Purple Sky magazine that them coming to the US or any other country depends on the fans demand for them. They stated that they only get 3 fanmails a week or a month from overseas fans. Even after they said that. no one has worked hard to do anything. And I thought to myself also, Where are the fucking fans. some ppl are just lazy, sitting around and complaining about how bands don't come to -insert state or country here- and do nothing about it. the longer they sit and complain the longer they are not going to be able to look forward to anyone coming there.
There was a petition going around that was also posted on this community about MIyavi coming to London. It took some time, but eventually jrock revolution announced that the venue approved it. and now Miyavi is coming to London during his world tour. So you see, the fans do have a say in what happens. but if we all just get off our lazy asses and do something, maybe things would happen.
so I have created a petition to bring LM.C to the US and other countries around the world. if some people signed it, I would greatly appreciate other fans support.