Hi, I'm a new member, so I hope this is allowed. I generally lurk around LJ pages instead of posting to them =/ but I figure I would come out of the woodwork for this one. But anyways, here is the deal, I've been a JRock fan for 10 years, yay, go me. I'm in college, and recently I got this project in my web media class to create a project revolving around the theme of "interactivity." So, I figured, why not bring people together with a common interest, better yet, why not bring people together who have the same interests that I have?
And so Zasshoku Paradise was born. The beginnings of a JRock Database, as well as a 6 degrees of separation type project. My main goal for now is to get as many JRock bands on the site as possible. I had a chart going, then the chart turned into a 16 page list, which turned into a 19 page list (which you will find on the site under The JRock Connection List.), that list then turned into me going out, buying 600 notecards, and labelling them in alphabetical order by bands. The only problem is...I can't do this by myself you guys. The theme of the project is interactivity, and so, here I am, asking for YOUR help.
If you can contribute ANYTHING, a fact, a band page, a band member page, or both. Even pictures and videos are welcome! Anything, as long as you participate. You can always participate anonymously as well!
Well, I think I've rambled enough...so here is the link:
http://zasshokuparadise.wetpaint.com/ We also have a facebook page, and will probably soon have an LJ community to keep people updated if the site begins to have major activity. Just search for Zasshoku Paradise for now on facebook if you want.
If you have any questions feel free to comment here or message me at:
Thanks so much you guys! This means a lot...
P.S. Mods, what do I tag this with? I wasn't exactly sure. =/ I'm sorry.