Hello everyone!
Very sorry if posting this is not allowed or if it offends someone. Please feel free to delete this without prior notice if nescessary.
We are a new group, Karaoke-Daisuki, and as our name indicates; we love karaoke! But, why is there no proper, working and simple way to sing japanese karaoke outside of Japan? We want to sing to our favourite songs in japanese! And so our group was formed!
We are trying to make Karaoke in PVs (musicvideos) or other clips (anime openings, etc), and make them into real karaoke by having the karaoke-lyrics over almost the whole screen so it can easily be viewed on TVs, and using the instrumental karaoke tracks when available. The text is clearly shown on the screen before you have to start signing it, so you can read the first words beforehand! Our idea is to create something close to the karaoke machines that they have in Japan, so people all over the world will be able to enjoy singing to their favorite music!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe6hSDjexXw But since we are a new group, we have yet to released almost anything. This is where we would like your help. Join us and become part of the group that makes people sing!! Anyone is welcome!
WE NEED ANIME CLIPS VERY MUCH! and peole who want to help us making them into karaoke!
You can join us and help us in the following ways, NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!:
1) Contributing PVs, karaoke tracks, raw anime openings, other music clips.
Do you have any Japanese media (written above) that is RAW - meaning without any other subbing-group's subs? We want them!
2) Karaoke Timing (WE NEED THIS VERY MUCH!)
NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Timing karaoke means putting in the song texts into the video, and fixing the roll-over text effect that moves together with the singer. You're free to do pretty much as you want. You can choose the clips to do. It doesn't matter if you just wanna do it one time only - it's okay!
3) Put the karaoke on the video file
It's basically about receiving the Music clip and the subtitle file and merging them.
4) Convert files to avi (WE NEED THIS VERY MUCH!)
This basically means converting the files that need to be converted into .avi.
5) Upload to different uploading-sites
6) Someone who is good at organizing
We would like someone to join is as a leader together with the current leader of the group, who can help with administration of the group and all the people providing different stuff.
Join us and become part of the group that makes people sing!! Anyone is welcome!
We provide tutorials, guides and personal support for anyone who wants to join and contribute anything!
http://community.livejournal.com/karaoke_daisuki/Come and join us and post to the journal what you would like to contribute!
Spread this to everyone you know!
Thank you for reading!