If you're looking for some hot new bands to check out from Japan or maybe you've forgotten about some of your old favorites you used to listen to, come check me out on twitter @LifeIn_Dminor for my Morning Music Tweets! 『NO MUSIC - NO LIFE』 J-Music Tweets to help you discover new bands or rediscover old ones. 世界は音楽を通じて団結しています!
LifeIn_Dminor on Twitter! I support both
@HearJapan for legal J-music MP3 downloads and
@CDJapan for buying J-music CDs & posters outside of Japan. I also have both musicians and DJs who follow me!
So check me out on Twitter, follow me and if you'd like me to follow you back, just tweet me and let me know and I will! Don't forget to tweet me your suggestions of bands I should check out while you're on Twitter!
If you have a locked Twitter account and you still want me to follow you, please leave me a comment here with your Twitter name so I can follow you back. If you tweet me with a locked account, I wont be able to see your comment.
Also, don't forget to stop by the website,
BratCatRock.com for J-music reviews and to look for our future live ShoutCast shows featuring only J-music!